

I believe there is! This is our story...

Saturday 13 February 2010

Where it all began

I met Paul about four years ago and we got together just after Valentine's Day in 2007.

We were introduced by John, a very good mutual friend of ours who has since, very sadly, passed away.

John had explained to me briefly about Paul's alcohol addiction so I was under no illusions, but he was such a funny, lovely man, with many, many stories to tell about his life as a Staff Sargeant in the British Army, his 10 years in Cyprus, 2 years in Canada and his early life in Carlisle, I couldn't help but be drawn to him, and according to John, the attraction was mutual.

We became friends and twelve months later, both with previous relationships that had failed for various reasons, we found ourselves thrown together by circumstances and started living together.

Paul's previous marriage had broken down. His wife of 10 years had virtually destroyed him, leaving one day with the two kids he had adopted, his treasured BMW, and most of his belongings, effectively forcing all of them out of the lovely home they had created.

My relationship with my partner had been going down hill for a number of years and after I found out that he had been unfaithfull to me with a girlfriend of mine, I decided enough was enough.

Paul and I met each other while we were both on a downhill slope, to quote Bonnie Raitte, we found each other just "In The Nick of Time".

Neither of us had any work to speak of. Paul had lost his job as a Sales Manager for a media sales company due to a drunk driving conviction. He lost his licence, and his wife was driving for him but one day decided she'd had enough.  With no reliable means of transport, he was unable to do his job and had to quit. I had worked with my previous partner as a long distance trucker and had virtually lived in the wagon so had no real home to speak of - apart from a caravan that we used when we weren't "on the road", so I was, at that point unemployed..

Paul said he wanted to look after me and luckily, he had been well respected in his line of business, and within days of us getting together, he managed to secure a good paying position as Sales Manager for a publishing company. It was office based so he commuted to work on the train and I stayed home "looking for work". I was bored and his job sounded great so he asked me to go to work with him as a researcher, so I joined him shortly after at the same company, eventually getting involved in the medial sales side of the business. For a good six months we were "in clover". The money was good and although we worked hard, we also played hard - especially Paul!!!

This is our story. From when we met, to the ups and downs of Paul's addiction to alcohol, his subsequent diagnosis with Terminal Liver Disease and hospitalisation, his efforts to quit drinking and his and how I learned to cope with his frequent heavy drinking sessions, his mood swings and dealing with the knowledge that one more drink could take him away from me forever.

Next time, I will tell you more, so please read my next chapter!

'Til then


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